Monthly Archives: October 2008
Copywriting Jobs
Your goal is to land a few nice, secure freelance copywriting jobs, but how do you get them? The most important factor in finding these jobs is that you pursue the job you are looking for with all of your … Continue reading
Growing As A Business Leader
From very humble beginnings, Brian Tracy has risen to a position of respect in the international world of business. Now living in Southern California, he has traveled the world, speaks several foreign languages and has business interests. He is an … Continue reading
Resume Writing Tips II
6. Focus on your job responsibilities Starting with your present position or most recent job, mention the title of every job you have held, along with the name of the company, the city and state, and the years you have … Continue reading
Resume Writing Tips I
Today’s job market is competitive. Many companies receive hundreds of resumes a year, making it difficult for yours to stand out from the crowd. However, that should not keep you from getting interviews. The following 10 tips will help you … Continue reading