Monthly Archives: November 2008
Job Strengths
But, first let me dwell on that statement. You don’t have to have sympathy to be a nurse, and all nurses don’t have sympathy. You can use Focus to be the director of a non-profit, as a client of mine … Continue reading
Inate Talent and Strengths for Jobs
CORE STRENGTHS These “signature strengths,” as Seligman calls them, and “natural talents,” as Buckingham and Clifton call them, are with us from birth, show up young in childhood (to the observing eye), and continue with us throughout our life. They … Continue reading
Discover the pitfalls of owning your own business 2
ONE MORE TIME — Lots of stuff happened… for 5 great years, I had a wonderful BOSS who was supportive to the utmost. Held an Administrative Executive spot on the management team; super staff personnel; private office; in the days … Continue reading
Discover the pitfalls of owning your own business
Discover the pitfalls of owning your own business BEFORE… [you make a HORRIBLE choice!] It’s really significant dollars rather than dimes… at least that is my knowledge over several years. Thousands can be left quickly if you fail to plan … Continue reading