Monthly Archives: March 2011
Maintain the Status Quo
People who own businesses make mistakes, perhaps more mistakes than their counterparts in Corporate America. This happens because in Corporate America, making mistakes is not only something to be avoided, making a big enough one means paying the ultimate price … Continue reading
A Guide For Mid-Year Evaluations!
Early July signals an opportunity to review, refocus and renew. Every owner is typically overwhelmed but conducting periodic review and planning sessions is an essential part of success. Here is a guide for conducting a mid year evaluation. What were … Continue reading
Does Your Company Have a Good Reputation?
Several years ago at his monthly Executive Forum meeting, a Member shared with his peers that a long time client returned to do business with him after having left for a competitor. He was delighted by the news and called … Continue reading
2 Questions That Need to be Answered!
Nearing the midyear point of the year, it is an appropriate time to review how the year is progressing in marketing. There are two questions that require answers to properly assess the effort and results to date: 1. What goals … Continue reading