Job Cover Letters :: Are you telling them what they want to know?
Let’s face it. Recruiters (or employers) are smarter than we think. Bigger organizations pay a hefty salary to their HR department to filter out and sieve through hundreds and thousands of resumes. The idea is to build an organization with people of the right mental aptitude. Most of the top organizations believe strongly in a motto – “People are their greatest assets”. Your super job cover letter goes a long way in capturing and retaining the attention of these people whose main job is to recruit people and coordinate with the workforce.
A well-written job cover letter engages the recruiter and pushes him to spend more time reading your detailed resume. Before you start off writing your cover letter, write down what you want to convey on a paper. Read it once, twice, thrice and then set off for a good start. Pack in as much power as you can, because it is these 400 or 500 words that can make the difference.
Have these things on your mind before you start off writing:
Keep your sentences short and avoid using really long sentences because you don’t want the recruiter to read it twice to understand what you’re trying to convey. Got the point.? Keep your sentences s-h-o-r-t.
Keep your language simple. “I take immense pleasure in applying for this esteemed position in this esteemed organization.” Hell.! Your employer knows more about his organization than you do. So you can as well cut the “false” praise. Maybe a subtle mention can do wonders. “I look forward to work with JK Industries”.
Organize the content of your job cover letter into small paragraphs or bulleted points, not exceeding three paragraphs. Typically each paragraph can contain 3 or 4 sentences.
Do NOT use slang or spoken words like “Lookin’ fo a kewl break into yo IT world”.
Make sure your cover letter (and resume) is free from spelling or grammatical errors.
And most important: Deliver what the employer is looking for.
So, what should you put in your cover letter?
Ask yourself two questions. One, why should the employer choose you over others? And two, what can you give to the company that others cant? Skills, yes. Proven job experience, better.
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